What’s the one thing that is on a college kids mind after they move in?
Most likely making friends and partying.
Let’s be real here… the way that movies are set up sure does glamorize the party life of college.
What better way to meet people in your dorm other than throwing a college dorm party?!?!

Making friends in college can be challenging, especially during the first month.
If you’re trying to me friends in an organization check out this post here.
This is why I suggest throwing a college dorm party.
You don’t need a venue because you have your very own room.
Now you just need essentials and an open door to meet people!
Creating your Dorm Party Space
Before you start inviting people to your college dorm party you’re going to have to clean.
Whether you just moved in or it’s been awhile, no one wants to be in a dirty, smelly room.
So clean up and spray some Febreeze or plug in a wallflower!
Trust me, people notice if your room smells funky…most people are just too shy to say anything.
Next, put up some lights so you have good vibes. Lights go a longgggg way.
You can put up some themed decor if you’re feeling fancy lol.
(Themed parties are the best by the way).
Pineapple wall decor anyone?

Now that you have your college dorm party space set up you need people!!
This is where social media comes in.
Hello school social media accounts and discords!
Or you can put a flyer or spread the word in your dining hall or hallway.
Remember when people didn’t have social media and phones? Oh, that’s right. You weren’t born yet.
Anyways, spread the word.
Here’s the difficult part. You probably have an RA.
Yes, that person who is in charge of you and tells you what you can and can’t do.
Make friends with them.
You want to be on the good side of your RA, so you don’t get in trouble.
If you’re friends with your RA they may be able to help you out of a funk if you get stuck in one.
If you ever find yourself lonely check out this post.
Beverages & Snacks
If you thought alcohol was going to be at your college dorm party you’re funny.
Not allowed in the dorm, sorry.
Aren’t you under age anyways? Go get some sprite. 😉
You can still make some fun non-alcoholic beverages and have some snacks from your local campus snack stop.
Chips are always a favorite and they’re cheap.

You can’t just stand around and stare once you have people. Don’t be the awkward freshman people talk about.
Just kidding, be whoever you want.
Butttt have something planned. Or at least have some music.
Check Spotify for some party playlists. Imagine how terrible silence would be.
My RA actually let the people on my floor play water pong in the lounge, as long as she could check the cups and people weren’t too rowdy.
Just check your boundaries to see what your RA is comfortable with.
You can even put a movie on the TV or have some card games set up.
Dorm Party Reminder
Just remember you’re in a dorm. This isn’t a house party so you can’t go feral.
Try to have fun without getting kicked out of your building.
Please, do NOT get kicked out of your building. Your parents will never speak to you again.
If you’re wondering what essentials you need for your college dorm check out my post:
My Top College Dorm Essentials for Freshmen
Funny Throw Pillows for Your Dorm
As always, thank you reading my blurb of words. I hope you can meet people so you can have your little college dorm party!

With love,
Stay Snazzy