With the school year starting up again many young college girls have the question on if they should join a sorority. But what is a sorority and why on earth should you join one? In this post you’ll learn: What is a Sorority Let’s start with the basics. A sorority is a social organization of…
Why You Feel Lonely in College + How to Conquer it
Hi, long time no see. Busy college student here. Let’s be honest, your college years can be some of the greatest years of your life, but also the loneliest. While you may be surrounded by others all day, the moment you hit the sheets is when you start to realize how alone you really are,…
College Dorm Party: How to Make it Spectacular
What’s the one thing that is on a college kids mind after they move in? Most likely making friends and partying. Let’s be real here… the way that movies are set up sure does glamorize the party life of college. What better way to meet people in your dorm other than throwing a college dorm…